Sunday, July 24, 2011

The glass washer

I've been hanging out alot at The Prince of Wales lately. The boss has been busy at his favourite pass time, glasswashing. When we first opened The POW almost 6 years ago, the boss had on his business card the esteemed job title of "Glasswasher", some how this was lost in translation when dealing with local contractors, who would scratch their heads when perusing the card. The boss, being the cultural sensitive chap he is, would pass his card with two hands, and accept their business cards with two hands. The boss would always encourage cross cultural exchanges, especially with the girls from Japan, for some reason... anyway, here's a little pic of me in the beer garden, under the stars, next to the pool table. Thank you to Kevin Rosinbum who took the photo while staying at The POW.
Hugs and kisses - Jessica

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